Thursday 13 August 2009

my comments re Influential Marketing Blog: 10 Basic Rules Of Twitter (And How To Avoid Being A Twanker)

Influential Marketing Blog: 10 Basic Rules Of Twitter (And How To Avoid Being A Twanker): "

Good post Rohit

Great to see more original thoughts/thinkers

if I might add

point 6.) careful of the spammers which these days would just include our username for their purpose.. (my feed is private and they even tried me)..

happy twitting and not become a twanker. ;)


Wednesday 12 August 2009

My comments re One Down: Vinod Khosla Closes $250M Seed-Stage Fund - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ

One Down: Vinod Khosla Closes $250M Seed-Stage Fund - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ

The future of the VC/PE world will focus a lot more on Renewables and Cleantech.

KPIs etc. will still need to refined but it is certain that they will take much bigger roles in the future!


my comments re Twenty-One Top Twitter Tips -

Twenty-One Top Twitter Tips -

Great article.
some new summaries of now famous stories plus new(er) ones.


We however need to bear in mind these are the success stories 'so far', it is hardly set in stone, which means that one should also look at new ways of using social media (not only twitter), it might be getting more press than others, but likes of LinkedIn (for B2B connection) and Facebook (more social across the board) should also not be ignored.


Tuesday 11 August 2009

Lessons learnt: E-commerce Fever Makes Taobao China’s Newest Internet Darling -

E-commerce Fever Makes Taobao China’s Newest Internet Darling -

This is a brilliant article from New York Times, please do click through above and read it properly.

It highlighted few key points:

1.) Market Rules could be changed & have the carpet pulled right under market leader(s)

2.) cash talks (rather than building/aiming for sustainable business, looking at traders, probably still 'get rich quick' syndrome)

3.) It is still very very early and it is not likely to settle in a year or so (probably 3-5years)

In short, the opportunities are:

a.) invest in developing service industry (like fulfilments that 'enables' such transactions above)

b.) establish/start trust worthy domestic brands (that signifies & deliver on quality) that utilise the ODM & OEM expertise (rather than only ripping off existing international brands) i.e. investing on medium term goal

c.) Invest in training 'entrepreneurs', China need help, need to focus less on opportunistic entrepreneurs to 'sustainable entrepreneurs.

May we live in interesting times.


Monday 10 August 2009

My comments re Private Equity Funds in Taiwan Bank on China Interest | peHUB

Private Equity Funds in Taiwan Bank on China Interest | peHUB

I 'tweeted' weeks before ontop of Korea, Taiwan would post some great Private Equity opportunities,

Above highlights one such area.

I personally also foresee that future also lies with those established ODMs, first few that knows how best to leaverage their scale, expertise but most importantly Quality productions will have the world as their oysters.

Therefore, it is opportunity not only for the firms but also VCs/PEs/Agencies that advise/help these future market leaders..

Future is unlimited. ;)


Thursday 16 July 2009

comments re The Difference between Chinese and Westerners - Shared using Juice

The Difference between Chinese and Westerners - Shared using Juice

This is brilliant

when ideas can be distilled into pictures..

but in order to decipher them, you also need to understand the jist of it in order to really 'appreicate' how well it was done/constructed.

Great stuff.


Tuesday 16 June 2009

Amateur thoughts on opportunities in Taiwan

This is in fact brilliant that by staying with the ‘indigenous population’ in Hong Kong, I don’t have access to ‘proper’ internet (yes, I am doing the honoured tradition of Chinese, respect and spend time whenever I can with my grandpa, who is currently 80+ yrs old).
It is surprising to see how ‘difficult’ to access internet. Yes, it may have some freely available at the local library, but sadly, due to some settings incompatibility (I presume), I cannot connect, and am not suppose to ‘call’ from library for support..
Long story short. I have time to prepare this blog post, which is based on my last week spent in Taiwan.
Thanks to TBBC (Taiwan Britain Business Council)’s invitation, I followed the financial track and met with some key guys in Taiwan, and also based on my personal contacts (& their introductions), I also met with people from Media (television), Telecoms (regulator) and others (including people on the streets, markets etc.)
My observation is that (I might be wrong, if so, pls do email me your feedback/leave comments below) Taiwan has been very successful in the last twenty years as OEMs/ODMs providers for the electronics/manufacturing industries in rest of the world. Most other industries has been devised to provide support for these major corporations (services in support, financial firms, insurance firms etc.)
Majority of the market is in fact mid-smaller size firms which services the local industries and consumers, which maybe the reason why in some ways, Taiwan has been sustainable on its own despite the major negative effects in key countries due to the worldwide economic downturns.
I have noticed the potential opportunities in Taiwan include:
• Art appreciations (once adopted, then move to preservation & restorations)
• Next generation entertainment (other than soap opera on TVs, probably interactive via multi-channel)
• Sophisticated financial instruments/markets (enabled & encouraged by new regulations)
• Re-positioning of well honed manufacturing capabilities (reposition & DELIVER on higher quality ‘made in Taiwan’ perception, maybe via branding, Joint-ventures or aggressive acquisitions or combination of above)
• Absorbing Japanese ideas/practices and put on ‘Chinese’ stance for the rest of the world
• Change the rules and position Taiwan as ‘hub’ for foreigners to invest via Taiwan into China (new Hong Kong)
I aim to be back sooner, rather than later.